These texts, in which minimalism intersects with lyric prose, seem to be influenced by "impressionistic fragmentation", which, according to A. Вид с парка Мариенлист. Koblenkova D. Most of the writers from this generation graduated from the Danish Academy of Creative Writing Forfatterskolen , founded in by Danish poet and linguist Per Aage Brandt and modernist poet and critic Poul Borum. Above all, in our opinion, the origin should be sought in the works of Hans Peter Jacobsen. Дания на конкурсе песни Евровидение Московский государственный институт международных отношений университет Министерства иностранных дел РФ. Иммиграционная политика в Дании очень жёсткая, с году была введена система баллов для супругов иммигрантов, которые хотят въехать в страну. Ограждённое пастбище у фермы с птичьим гнездом на крыше.
Официальный сайт. Архивировано 16 февраля года. Reitzels Forlag, CC BY. Finally, subtle expressions of social criticism bureaucrats — a negatively loaded word, journalists to beware of, as well as the opposition of natural and social phenomena appear in the books have a jarring effect on the poetic beauty of the texts. Живописные картины для подарка купить. In the fifth section, the motive of death reappears: targets sigtemxrker are drawn on the clothes of the faceless characters, and it is unclear whether this is a game or a verdict. Scandinavian Philology, Issue Пользовательское соглашение Политика конфиденциальности. Бирте Кьер пять раз участвовала на фестивале « Dansk Melodi Grand Prix », где выбирали представителя Дании на конкурс песни « Евровидение »:. Ограждённое пастбище у фермы с птичьим гнездом на крыше. On two separate occasions in the first book, one can speak of 11 and 10 paragraphs instead of 12, depending on the calculation method used. Основной источник финансирования здравоохранения государства - налоги. Датская глубинка.
This is the poetry of a dead world filled with shadows. Бирте Кьер выступает на концерте, год.
Gaps are yet another device used to create a feeling of ambiguity and vagueness, as well as that of anxiety. Vindum A. Each section consists of 12 or 24 separate passages — relatively independent pieces of text, divided in paragraphs, separated by spaces. Скалы острова Мён, Дания.
Changing Landscape. Aarhus: Aarhus Universitetsforlag, Орхус , Дания.
The emphasis on the subjective experience is carried out through deliberate objectification, whereas the atmosphere is formed through images piercingly naked and devoid of all that is superfluous. As stated by Handesten, those texts were actually written as pointillist novels, which means that the pointillist novel appeared in Norway and Denmark simultaneously. At the linguistic level, the continuity is maintained through repetitions of similar structures — phrases, descriptions of phenomena, images — running through the entire text: rain, a leaf rustling underfoot, etc.
Ipsen M. Для цитирования: Orlova G. Автор текста - Валерий Рублёв. You can also trace it to the laconic style of the Icelandic sagas, the fable, the romantic fragment, the American short story or the short-short story.
Предшественник: « Hot Eyes ». Mose G. This is the poetry of a dead world filled with shadows. Orlitskii, Iu.
Участие — Падение Даннеброга датского флага. Столица Дании — город Копенгаген. Nibelungs on the margins: transformation of the Nibelungen legend in the folklore of German-Scandinavian frontier. Since the paragraphs are separated from each other by regular spaces, the pages are narrow, and the arrangement of chapters and their numbers in all books is the same. Each section, or even each paragraph, is an independent and complete text that lacks any obvious connection with other paragraphs, let alone sections. Each paragraph has between one and ten lines, but, in general, the number of lines is between three and eight. In Russian. Vindum A. In , another 15 years later, two new and equally symmetrical books of short texts were published, entitled "If" and "Then" — cross-genre books, in which the same principle of fragmentation is embodied, both in terms of structure and perception of reality. Thus, the penultimate — or the fourth — sections are the longest.
Балле — автор немногих произведений, разнообразных по жанру и форме. Улица в Рибе. Handesten links this disintegration of the traditional novel format of the late s with the convergence between prose and lyrics [Handesten, ]. These texts, in which minimalism intersects with lyric prose, seem to be influenced by "impressionistic fragmentation", which, according to A. The emphasis on the subjective experience is carried out through deliberate objectification, whereas the atmosphere is formed through images piercingly naked and devoid of all that is superfluous. Skjeldal K. Dansk Melodi Grand Prix Ограждённое пастбище у фермы с птичьим гнездом на крыше.
Улица в Рибе. Просмотры Читать Править Править код История.
Gaps are yet another device used to create a feeling of ambiguity and vagueness, as well as that of anxiety. Вернадского, 76 E-mail: gajane-orlova yandex. A trademark feature of the s writers was experimentation with form and style in their early works, Solvej Balle being no exception. Expressed at the language level, this equation is extrapolated to the emerging picture of the world as a whole. Secondly, basically the same patterns are used as in the first two books. Для цитирования: Orlova G. The paragraphs often will start and end without any connection to the previous or the next one, creating an atmosphere of anxiety, ambiguity or mystery.
Конец 19 или начало 20 века. Государственный музей искусств Копенгаген. Pimonov V.
Jensen in his "Myths" — lyrical and philosophical sketches. Rather, they indicate a desire to renew the non-renewable, to replicate the unique. Part 2. These very remarkable books, both early works by Balle, represent in fact a hybrid literary form while being true and most complete embodiments of the very principle of fragmentation in Danish literature.
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Daugaard S. Scandinavian Philology. Balle belongs to a generation of writers associated with the flourishing of minimalism in Danish literature at the end of the 20th century.
Материал из Википедии — свободной энциклопедии. Part 2. Вид на болота возле Силькеборга, Ютландия. All of her works are experimental, but the four texts of the "tetralogy" are the quintessence of a genre experiment in search of a new minimal aesthetic. Участие — The characteristic features of her few works are their intellectual elitism and elaborate, sophisticated form.
The characteristic features of her few works are their intellectual elitism and elaborate, sophisticated form. Конец 19 или начало 20 века. Most of the writers from this generation graduated from the Danish Academy of Creative Writing Forfatterskolen , founded in by Danish poet and linguist Per Aage Brandt and modernist poet and critic Poul Borum.
The reader can stick to separate passages and paragraphs or rely on the primacy of the whole, which does seem logical. Korovin "implies first getting to know the details, whereupon a complete picture of the world appears" [Korovin, , p. This was an innovative genre at that time [Saltykov, , p. Гавань острова Христианс. Картины и сюжетные подборки художников мира. Above all, in our opinion, the origin should be sought in the works of Hans Peter Jacobsen. Tynianov as an Innovative Philologist. The emphasis on the subjective experience is carried out through deliberate objectification, whereas the atmosphere is formed through images piercingly naked and devoid of all that is superfluous. The texts also contain features conventionally associated with lyric prose. The books contain a series of pictures and scenes, which, in turn, contain impressions and things. В Дании от времён викингов остались архитектурные памятники — крепости Треллеборг, Аггерсборг, Фюркат и Линнхольм-Хойе. The rather intense experience of the first two books is somewhat weakened in the latter two, "If" and "Then". Сцена у побережья Скагена. One can trace the origins of Danish short prose to many places: the shortest and least regularly adventurous of H. Вы всегда можете отключить рекламу. This era can be described as the high day of minimalism in Danish prose. Гад Фредерик Клемент. Пространства имён Статья Обсуждение.
A similar linguistic structure is preserved throughout all the four works. Известны также старые замки Фредериксборг у города Хиллерёд и Кронборг в Хельсингёре Эльсинор , где Шекспир провёл действие пьесы "Гамлет". The books are fully symmetrical, both in text layout and visual presentation. Ханс Фриис.
Падение Даннеброга датского флага. These texts, in which minimalism intersects with lyric prose, seem to be influenced by "impressionistic fragmentation", which, according to A.
The atmosphere is conjured, among others, by exploiting cross-cutting repetitive motifs associated with natural. Crunching, the sound of falling, rustling, the light of lanterns, multicoloured rusty containers, and the grey-green world are not complete and full-fledged descriptions, but rather references and statements that surreptitiously affect the perception of the reader. Известно великое множество картин с изображением датских пейзажей и сюжетов, исполненных старинными и современными художниками, которые находятся в музеях и частных собраниях мира. Not many people have been aware of this perspective [Ipsen, , p. Коллекция Кристиана Людвига Давида.
Above all, in our opinion, the origin should be sought in the works of Hans Peter Jacobsen. Voprosy literatury, Issue 2. Бирте Кьер дат. Коллекция Кристиана Людвига Давида. The sentences are mostly simple and often incomplete, whereas compound sentences are of the shortest possible variety and, with very few exceptions, contain only one type of syntactic relation. Fibiger J. Handesten links this disintegration of the traditional novel format of the late s with the convergence between prose and lyrics [Handesten, ]. Известны также старые замки Фредериксборг у города Хиллерёд и Кронборг в Хельсингёре Эльсинор , где Шекспир провёл действие пьесы "Гамлет". Кристиан Сако. Участники « Евровидение ». Sharypina T.